Preschool WeatherTheme Pack
Who's It For?
Perfect for 3-to 6-year-olds in a preschool classroom, learning center, or home. Easy to set up and use with one kiddo or a classroom. This themed pack includes a book and supply list to help you easily set up the activities.
⭐️ Tip: Grab the and save money! ⭐️
Activities Include:
- Weather Matching
- Puffy Paint STEAM
- Mini Book
- Alphabet Magnet Activity
- Sensory Bin
- AB Patterns
- Geoboard Templates
- Writing Center
- Tracing Cards
- Cover Up Game
- Matching Game
- Puzzles
- Playdough Mats
- Weather Spinner
There are so many fun ways to explore the winter season.
Note: These are PDF files only.